A predominantly sativa hybrid despite being crossed with a fast, high-yield Afghan female.
We have stabilised the cross between Blueberry and Mazar with a subsequent cross with another Blueberry mother with more sativa structural parameters, to give it a more ramified, taller structure, producing plants that grow vigorously and form thick stems, ready to bear the weight of the flowers that this variety produces.
The flower bunches overlap on the branches, filling the internodes with compact, thick flowers.
Try to give it the preventive treatment it needs outdoors, since such a compact floral structure makes it hard to act against pest attack. When growing this variety demands large quantities of nitrogen to ensure that its development is optimal.
We recommend an indoor vegetative cycle of 20 days to reach a height of 40 cm and induce flowering.
Look for the least humid part of your house and get ready for this plant’s monster crops. Devise some kind of mechanism to help the branches to support the heavy buds and protect the plants well against the first rains of autumn, since this variety may take nine-to-ten weeks indoors and up to the second week in October outdoors before it’s ready to harvest, although those with a more indica phenotype may be ready by late September.
We recommend using carbohydrates from the beginning of the second week of flowering to develop all this variety’s aftertaste.
The fruity flavour of Blueberry becomes mixed with a pure Afghan flavour.
Increase the P-K levels from the fifth week of flowering to make the flower bunches more compact.
You may want to increase the EC levels to 2.4 in the final weeks of flowering. Ideal for topping to create a large number of flower-laden branches.
Original Berry is very high-yield plant - up to 600 grams per plant and 500 grams per square metre indoors. A stratospheric high will take you to infinity and beyond.
This variety is strong and tough. Suitable for medicinal uses. A relaxing, sedative effect, ideal for insomniacs. The wait will definitely be worth it, and you can expect to cover a large area with a single plant.
Rodzaj - Indoor
Genotyp - Głównie Sativa
Geny - Blueberry x Mazar
THC - 15 - 18 %
Wysokość - Niskie (do 80cm)
Plon - Bardzo Duży (ponad 500g/m2 Indoor)
Jeśli nie masz ukończonych 18 lat, natychmiast opuść tę stronę.
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